
A few days before the surgery some thoughtful and generous friends gifted us a night away on Coronado. They did the same for us after Ezra and it ended up being something we needed more then we knew. This time proved it again and Jeff and I had some time to think, pray, quickly talk through the hard things we had to for worse case scenario then set it aside, and really just enjoy time together. 

While we were there we watched a ship go by with hundreds of service men & women aboard. A woman and her young daughter stood a few feet away and we overheard her and the little girl saying bye to their husband and daddy. After it went by something pulled at my heart to say something to her so I tapped her on the shoulder and thanked her for her family’s commitment and service for our country. She turned around and immediately wrapped her arms around me for a long, tearful hug. We had the honor to listen to her story, meet one of the sweetest little girls with such an innocent heart who happily told us how they attempted to save a hummingbird the night before, and pray with her. As we walked away a few thoughts came to me:

1. Both of us had a known uncertainty to our husband’s futures over the next several months. We were not alone and just two of many spouses in this position. 

2. It’s hard being the supporting spouse but being the spouses who are in the fire themselves are experiencing a whole different level of hard faith building experience. 

3. Community doesn’t mean just being there for the people we know, it’s keeping our eyes up and aware for those we don’t as well and being willing to reach out even when it feels uncomfortable. 

4. No matter where we are in the race of own lives and with our own obstacles, it’s no excuse to not look around and support those running their races around us as well.  

Thank you again Mrs. M and your husband for your commitment and sacrifice to serve our country. We will continue to pray for your husband’s safety and perseverance for both of you. Thank you also for helping that day to remind us to keep our eyes looking up and around and not to fall into the trap of our own tunnel vision focusing only on our own issues at hand. And thank you friends for knowing what we would need before we even did. 


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