Monday, Nov. 21 Update

Jeff went back to work today and I just got back from seeing Ezra. Since it is a new week we started with a new neonatologist and and fellow.  The neonatologist is the one that admitted Ezra to Rady's and the fellow actually was there when Ezra was delivered at UCSD so it was really nice to see a familiar face and one who knows Ezra's story from the beginning.  I was able to be present during their rounds for the first time which was nice.  They are going to make some adjustments to Ezra's sedation medication, do a head u/s tomorrow just to be sure there is no head bleed (he's had two ultrasounds last week and will be getting them weekly since he was premature), continue the total parental nutrition (TPN) through his IV but also start feeding him a small amount of breastmilk with his OG tube (tube that goes into the stomach) to see how he tolerates it, try and get him to have a bowel movement to make sure his intestines are working appropriately, change some oscillator settings based on how his chest x-ray looks, u/s his right kidney to determine if they will take the tube out that was placed to drain what they think was a cyst, place his chest tube to water seal to see if we should take that out, and do another chest x-ray this afternoon to assess the new ventilator settings and chest tube situation.  Nephrology also did a little bit of adjustment on the dialysate fluid going in as well.  His electrolytes were in the normal range this morning and his BUN and creatinine are high but not increasing which is a plus. He responded well to the unit of blood he received yesterday. We continue to pray especially for protection from infection, for development of his lungs, no head bleed, continued success with the peritoneal dialysis, and wisdom for the medical team.
